Links & Articles


  • We believe in formal church membership.  If you are interested in the Biblical reasons for church membership, the Alliance of  Confessing Evangelicals has posted a helpful article by Rev. Peter Kemeny entitled “The Case for Church Membership.

  • Our worship services may look different from contemporary Evangelical worship services because we believe that the Bible teaches what we call the “Regulative Principle of Worship.”  In short, the Church must worship the Lord how He has commanded, and we should not add to or take away from God’s commands for worship.  The Banner of Truth has published a helpful article on the RPW by Rev. Terry Johnson.  You can read it here.

  • The RPCNA sings on the 150 Psalms of the OT in public worship.  This practice is often called exclusive psalmody.  G. I. Williamson wrote a helpful article that explains the Biblical reasoning for this practice.  You can read it here.

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